Tradutor do office 2019
Tradutor do office 2019

tradutor do office 2019

Still in January, SVS/MS published three Epidemiological Bulletins on the subject, focusing on actions to prevent and tackle the epidemic. On January 27 th, the contingency plan was put into operation and on February 3 rd the COVID-19 epidemic was declared a Public Health Emergency of National Concern (PHENC). EOC is coordinated by SVS/MS, with the purpose of harmonizing, planning and organizing activities with the stakeholders involved as well as international monitoring. On January 22 nd, the Brazilian Ministry of Health Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was brought into action. Following risk assessment, the event was included by the Event Monitoring Committee on January 10 th. On January 3 rd, following detection of rumors, WHO International Health Regulations National Focal Points (WHO/IHR-NFP) were brought into action. The response of the Brazilian Health Ministry’s Health Surveillance Secretariat (SVS/MS) to the COVID-19 epidemic was immediate. The first two confirmed cases occurred in males, resident in the city of São Paulo, SP, who had returned from a journey in Italy. By March 3 rd, 488 suspected cases had been reported, 2 had been confirmed and 240 had been ruled out in Brazil, with no evidence of local transmission. In Brazil, the first COVID-19 case was confirmed on February 26 th 2020. 4 By the end of February, some 80,000 cases had been confirmed, as well as 2,838 COVID-19 deaths in China, plus approximately 6,000 confirmed cases and 86 deaths in a further 53 countries. In February 2020, in accordance with WHO best practices for naming new infectious human diseases, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus was named as COVID-19, in reference to the type of virus and the year the epidemic started: Coronavirus disease - 2019.

tradutor do office 2019

2 At its second meeting, held on January 30 th, the number of cases and countries reporting confirmed cases were seen to have increased and this lead to the outbreak being declared a PHEIC. Consensus was not reached by that meeting as to whether the event was a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The first Emergency Committee meeting about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China, convened by WHO in accordance with the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005), was held on January 23 rd 2020. The etiological agent was rapidly identified as a novel coronavirus: SARS-COV-2 The outbreak began in a seafood and live animals market and, as at the date of this publication, the animal reservoir is unknown. On December 31 st 2019 the World Health Organization (WHO) was notified of the occurrence of a pneumonia outbreak in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China.

Tradutor do office 2019